Features and General Questions for Electrostatic Speakers

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If the diaphragm was punctured with a pencil, stick, or similar item, how extensive would the damage to the speaker be?

Updated: Aug 24 2018

Our research department has literally punctured hundreds of holes in a diaphragm, neither affecting the quality of the sound nor causing the diaphragm to rip. However, you will be able to see the actual puncture and it can be a physical nuisance. If this is the case, replacing the electrostatic transducer will be the only solution.

Prestazioni senza compromessi. Precisione infallibile. Affidabilità costante. Sfruttando la miriade di vantaggi tecnici dei principi elettrostatici per ricreare il suono nella sua forma più vera, questo è ciò di cui parla MartinLogan.