Features and General Questions for Electrostatic Speakers

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Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems with your electrostatic speakers?

Updated: Aug 24 2018

Exposure to excessive contaminants such as smoke or dust may potentially affect the performance of the electrostatic membrane, and may cause discoloration of the diaphragm membrane. When not in use for extended periods, you should unplug the speakers and cover them with the plastic bags in which the speakers were originally packed. It is a good idea to vacuum the electrostatic portion of each speaker three or four times a year. See the vacuuming FAQ.

Compromisloze prestaties. Onfeilbare nauwkeurigheid. Onwrikbare betrouwbaarheid. De talloze technische voordelen van elektrostatische principes benutten om geluid in zijn meest ware vorm te reproduceren - dit is waar MartinLogan om draait.