Use a dust free cloth or a soft brush to clean your speakers and subwoofers. If your speaker (CLX or CLX Art only) features EcoSound, please refer to the following FAQ. To clean the electrostatic panel, you can vacuum them as explained here.
Created: Jan 01 2013 | Updated: Aug 24 2018
We recommend that you not place any loudspeaker in direct sunlight. The ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause deterioration of grill cloth, speaker cones, etc. Small exposures to UV will not cause a problem. In general, the filtering of UV rays through glass will greatly reduce...
Updated: Aug 24 2018
Many people are surprised to hear that speaker cables and component interconnects can have a significant impact on the quality of sound. Just as with the amplifiers, there are many types and designs of cables to choose from and we haven't had the opportunity to extensively test them...
Updated: Aug 24 2018
With numerous excellent amplifiers available and the list growing practically each day, we can't recommend one amp over another simply because we haven't had the opportunity to audition them all. This is also true of each component in your A/V system. There are many great components...
Updated: Aug 24 2018
The ARC (Anthem Room Correction) or PBK (Perfect Bass Kit) room correciton system in your MartinLogan subwoofers and electrostatic speakers is not a replacement for room correction systems designed to optimize multi-channel audio systems across the entire frequency range. When beginning...
Created: Jul 17 2018 | Updated: Aug 24 2018
Yes. Or before if possible. As with any high quality audio component it is always a good practice during stormy weather.
Updated: Aug 24 2018
We have no favorites and use electronics and cables quite interchangeably. We would suggest listening to a number of brands—and above all else—trust your ears. Dealers are always the best source for information when purchasing additional audio equipment. With regards to routers,...
Created: Dec 04 2015 | Updated: Aug 24 2018
To help prevent ground loops, which occur when there is more than one ground path. Often misunderstood, the ground conductor prevents the chassis from becoming live if the AC line touches it. We use double insulation instead, something that may sound unfamiliar, but you've seen it...
Created: Jul 16 2018 | Updated: Aug 24 2018
With modern flat-panel televisions this is not an issue. If using an older CRT television we recommend 3 feet between a speaker and video components that are susceptible to magnetic fields.
Updated: Aug 24 2018
No. The MartinLogan Subwoofer Control App is only available for iOS and Android devices.
Created: Jul 17 2018 | Updated: Aug 24 2018
MartinLogan subwoofers employ a variety of technologies to achieve superb sub bass reproduction. For specific details regarding the unique combination of technologies found in each subwoofer please refer to the product pages.
Updated: Aug 24 2018
While MartinLogan subwoofers are designed with a durable, stain-resistant surface, we advise you not to set anything on top of them-especially containers holding liquids.
Updated: Aug 24 2018
No. MartinLogan subwoofers, when the power switch is set to 'Auto', 'Trigger', or 'Standby', will draw about 10 watts when idle (depending on model).
Updated: Aug 24 2018
Your subwoofer does not require preventative maintenance beyond treating it with care and not over-driving it constantly. If a problem does arise, visit our Troubleshooting section of this FAQ or in the subwoofer's manual.
Created: Jul 16 2018 | Updated: Aug 24 2018